Who Else Wants Tips About How To Check Skype Voicemail

Listen to your voicemail in skype for business for windows.
How to check skype voicemail. (with lync in foreground) tap the voice mailicon, and then play the message. When you have new voicemail, the phone tab in the skype for business main window displays the number of your. In the manage features section, select call forwarding and voicemail.
You should be able to view your voicemail within the skype app or with skype for web. You will see a play. To listen to a voice mail, do one of the following:
(with lync not in foreground) say “lync, play [my] voice mail” into. (a value of true means the user is enabled.). Select the button to enable call forwarding and.
The list of voicemail messages opens. Once you receive a voicemail, it will be on your recent chats section. How do i use skype voicemail?
To move between the messages, press the down or up arrow key.